
with Nonjabulo Tshabalala

Category Human Rights, Inclusivity and Environmental Issues

Business Studies Categories, website tags – Business Role - Human Rights, Inclusivity and Environmental Issues, Header Image, Grade 10-12


Human Rights, Inclusivity and Environmental Issues is a topic that is covered in South African, Grade 12 Business Studies.

It is the sub-topic of ‘Business Role.’ | CAPS Curriculum • Business Studies Topics

How to Deal with Diversity Issues in the Workplace

What is Inclusivity? Inclusivity is the act of not excluding any member of society because of differences such as social background, gender and disability. Everyone has the right to be treated fairly in the workplace, and no one should be… Continue Reading →

What Are the Benefits of Diversity in the Workplace?

Companies are increasingly being encouraged to promote diversity in the workplace, but what is it exactly? What is Diversity in the Workplace? In business, diversity means hiring a wide range of people from different backgrounds and making sure that they… Continue Reading →

How to Promote Social and Cultural Rights in the Workplace

Social and Cultural Rights belong to a category known as second-generation or socio-economic rights, which are related to the social and economic well-being of individuals. We discussed these rights and listed examples from each, in the previous article, Examples of… Continue Reading →

Examples of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in South Africa

Three Generations of Human Rights Explained Click here for a definition of Human Rights, as well as a list of South African human rights and their implication in the workplace. First Generation – Civil and Political Rights There are three… Continue Reading →

Definition of Human Rights and their Implication in the Workplace

What are Human Rights? Human rights are basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person, simply because they are human. It does not matter what religion, gender, race or political group they belong to. In South Africa, the list… Continue Reading →

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