
with Nonjabulo Tshabalala

Category Business Role

Business Studies Categories, Business Role, Header Image

Business Role is one of the four main topics of Business Studies, in the South African FET Phase Curriculum. It counts for 25% of the content you will learn each year. The other topics are Business Environment, Business Venture and Business Operation.

The sub-topics of Business Role are:

  • Creative thinking and problem-solving
  • Self-management, professionalism and ethics
  • Human rights, inclusivity and environmental issues
  • Social Responsibility
  • Stress, crisis, change and conflict management
  • Relationship and team performance

6 Examples of Stakeholders and Their Importance in Business

In the previous post, “What is a Stakeholder?” we defined the term ‘Stakeholder’ and differentiated it from ‘Shareholder’. Now, we are going to look at 6 common examples of stakeholders that are found in business. We will look at 3… Continue Reading →

What is a Stakeholder in Business?

Definition of Stakeholder What is a stakeholder? In business, a stakeholder is any individual, group or organisation that is influenced by (or influences) an organisation’s actions. They have an interest in the organisation and its performance. They can be within… Continue Reading →

Name 5 Components of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

In an exam, you might be asked to name FOUR or FIVE components of Corporate Social Responsibility. This is an easy way of getting more marks for yourself. You can simply name any of the components listed below, and you… Continue Reading →

Real World Examples of CSI and CSR: Google and GrandWest

Still confused about the difference between CSI (Corporate Social Investment) and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)? Look at these real-world examples of  CSI and CSR, from Google and GrandWest; a South African casino and entertainment resort. See if you can identify… Continue Reading →

Definition of Corporate Social Investment: CSI vs CSR

We are going to define Corporate Social Investment (CSI) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Then, we will compare the two, so that you clearly understand the difference between CSR and CSI. Definition of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Deloitte describes CSR… Continue Reading →

What is the Triple Bottom Line in CSR? 3Ps Simply Explained

Understanding the triple bottom line is fundamental to understanding Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), but what is it exactly? The traditional bottom line of business The main purpose of a business is to generate a profitable income for its shareholders. That’s… Continue Reading →

Definition of CSR, Social Responsibility and Corporate Citizenship

Before we get into the definition of CSR, let’s start with a simple break down of the words in the term Corporate Social Responsibility:   Corporate        : Business Social               : The community and the environment Responsibility  : What you need… Continue Reading →

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